Loretta Ritte
(20x16) Oil on Canvas
Loretta Ritte is an activist, mother, hula dancer, and a leader in Hawaiian movements of aloha ‘āina. She is a wahine koa who dedicates her life to protecting sacred Hawaiian land and the community, especially on her home island of Moloka‘i. She began her activism with Hui Alaloa on Moloka‘i to advocate for Hawaiian access rights. She later became heavily involved with Protect Kaho‘olawe ‘Ohana, by influencing the legislature and creating a movement that successfully ended the bombing on Kaho‘olawe. She remains a koa aloha ‘āina-a warrior driven by her deep love for the land. Alongside her husband Walter Ritte, they dedicated their lives to the protection and preservation of Hawaiian rights, natural and cultural resources, ‘ike Hawai‘i, and community. She continues to show us what kapu aloha and aloha ‘āina truly means while encouraging other wāhine koa to continue their aloha ‘āina activism.